April 16, 2013

Buisness Cards

I decided that I wanted to create some business cards for professional practice, and also as I seem to be getting on top of web design, and promotion within my photography, business cards would be a nice touch to the final outcome of my work.

I used vista print for my cards,
and overall i spent £16 which included 250 cards of my own design, and a free steel card holder included.

My buisness cards are plain black, with white writing, very simple yet quite attractive.
I have:

Zoe Barrett
on the front of the cards

Along with:

On the back of the cards.

At first i did include imagery, but then decided that the more plain and simple they are, the more people might take interest in them.
Also, if i was to have an image on them, it would give away my style of work, therefore just providing a website might intruige people to go and have a look!

Due to the buisness cards being of great value, with a matte finish, they do look fairly cheap, but cheerful.
When I decided to make some more I would invest in a higher quality finish. Mostly because first impressions are everything, and that card could be a very important factor in providing me with jobs in the futrure therefore need to be of a high standard if they are representing me and my work.

The cards can be found inside of my portfolio box once handed in.

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