The third website I decided to analyse was Bettina Von Zwehls, mainly due to me not knowing her work as well as I could, therefore it will be easier and more insightful for me to break down the aspects of the website.
The introduction page is one of the most simplistic I have come across so far in my research, it has a list of links on a white background in black simple font. I think is a great way of inviting people onto a website without putting them off with an overpowering amount of text and imagery.The links are very easy to naviagte to and work quickly.
I then decided to move onto the 'Information' tab to see what that included. When i first clicked on the page i thought there was a lot of writing, which might put some people off, although the way it is layed out in blocks with black writing and the continuous white background makes the whole page look easier on the eye. The information is writtren by someone else, not Bettina her self which makes the text seem less personal, but more informative and interesting.

I then decided to look at one of her links which lead to one of her bodies of work. Again it is easy to naviagte too and the link works quickly. When the page loads there is a few lines of text but a dominating images right in the middle of the page, this factor helps the audience to engage with the page as its the first time an image has come up on the photographers whole website. You almost have to go searching for one as its not included on the first page.
The text on the page is informative information relating to the photograph we see, and underneath is the same list of options we can see on the front and first page, this again proves that you can access all areas of the sight with ease.There is a simple back and forth arrow to go through the collection of the images in that particular set which allows us to take control of the website and look through them at our own pace. A great positive.

Bettina's Contact information simply includes one email, which doesn't state limitations of questions you can ask etc. This makes the whole process seem really quick and easy which means people will more than likley email as it is not a significant amount of hassel you would often come across.

Overall Bettina's website is one of the most interesting I have come across (even though I have only looked at some in depth) I found it the most simple, and easiest to navigate around. I only takes a few seconds to find what you want. Along with this I have always found websites based around black and white backgrounds and font colours the best, there are less colour distractions so you can focus on the information instead of dominating features like bright colours.
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